I've been thinking lately about how the moon and magnetic fields of the Earth could effect the brain.
Could it be possible, since the moon was so close to us so long ago, that humans could've actually possessed awesome mind power? Is it reasonable to say that Atlantis used this to become a technological marvel? Since magnetism and electricity are closely related could the effect produce a faster neural speed?
Two thirds of the human body is water. Water is an essential component involved in every function of the body. It helps transport nutrients and waste products in and out of cells. It is necessary for all digestive, absorption, circulatory and excretory functions, and for the maintenance of proper body temperature.
The moon has such a dramatic effect on the Earth's oceans, then could it have a similar relationship with our bodies,as water is such a large part of our make up? The theory argues that a mini tidal effect, especially in the liquid surrounding the brain, must have consequences on us. However, it may not due to the scale . Whilst there is a marked and visible effect on the oceans and seas, which give us tides, the moon's gravitational pull is interacting with vast volumes of water. The same rise and fall as in the oceons is not seen in a glass of water or even a container filled with the same amount of water as in the human body. The general scientific consensus therefore seems to be that the moon's tidal effect on a human body is negligible or non-existent. Although the pull from the moon does not seem to affect us directly in this way, it does have a profound effect on the Earth and on numerous biological events - and these certainly do affect us.